Q-2, r. 9.01 - Design code of a storm water management system eligible for a declaration of compliance

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117. The invert of the inlet pipe must be located above the surface of the permanent water or, failing that, at least 150 mm lower than the underside of the ice cover, hg, established using equation 4-10:
Equation 4-10: hg = 20 × (Dg)0.5
hg=Thickness of the ice cover (mm);
Dg=Sum of the freezing degree-days at the site of the permanent volume retention system determined using figure 4.3 or from the climate normals data published by Environment and Climate Canada (°C × days).
Figure 4.3 Freezing degree days index
O.C. 871-2020, s. 117.
In force: 2020-12-31
117. The invert of the inlet pipe must be located above the surface of the permanent water or, failing that, at least 150 mm lower than the underside of the ice cover, hg, established using equation 4-10:
Equation 4-10: hg = 20 × (Dg)0.5
hg=Thickness of the ice cover (mm);
Dg=Sum of the freezing degree-days at the site of the permanent volume retention system determined using figure 4.3 or from the climate normals data published by Environment and Climate Canada (°C × days).
Figure 4.3 Freezing degree days index
O.C. 871-2020, s. 117.